Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gold Medal Beginnings

Hello out there!   I just finished putting in my word count for today on Camp NaNoWriMo. I had an e-mail from one of the organizers that I really thought worth sharing with all of my non-WriMo friends.  This was in my inbox on day 1 or 2 of the challenge:

Dear Writer,

Have you noticed how most rewards come when you finish something? And it's usually not even enough just to finish; you also have to get there first or be deemed "the best."

As a result, I think a lot of us don’t get started unless we think we have a chance at being the fastest or the most accomplished.

Doesn’t matter what it is: could be a lawn-mowing race, a piano recital, or even... writing a novel. Whenever there’s an expectation to finish, there’s also the fear of not doing it well, or getting to the end after everyone else.

Well, fear no more. This is our moment to celebrate beginning. That alone is hard! Forget reaching the finish line--mustering the energy, the courage, and the motivation to simply start is a heroic feat, and I applaud you for doing it with such Camp-novelist panache.

I know the starting pistol for this session of Camp NaNoWriMo has just sounded, but let’s take a pause in this early stage of the writing marathon. I need to dole out these gold medals to you, and all your fellow Campers, for signing up to write novels this August. For believing that you have a story to tell, and doing something about it.

Here at Camp HQ, you are the Best Beginner. Whether you finish or not, you deserve a hearty clap on the back and abundant recognition for starting down this wordy and undoubtedly windy path.

Here’s to you, your novel-to-be, and your great gumption for getting started on it!

  I think this is spot on.  We are always driving ourselves toward the goal, the finish line, but never taking credit for the starting.  So, for all of my writing friends out there, take a moment to congratulate yourself just for starting- no matter where in the journey you are.  Good job starting to work toward your writing goal, good job starting that daunting new idea or that work in progress.  Think of all the others who never even got that far.  You rock!

1 comment:

  1. Starting is the hardest part. Once you do that there's only the road ahead until the end. Great post!


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