Tuesday, April 30, 2013

X, Y, and Z are for...

I know this is cheating, but honestly, how did I get off by like 2 days?!  Anyway, welcome to the last installment of the April A to Z Blogging Challenge.  My theme this year was all the benefits of a non-human lover (NH for short), accompanied by some amazing artwork.


Need I say more? Okay, you twisted my arm.  X-rated moments with your NH are bound to be off the charts, thanks to things like heightened senses, magical powers, inhuman strength and endurance, and the generally insatiable appetite of most NH.  Enjoy ;)


Many NH are fiercely devoted to their mates.  Once you've won them over, they're yours for life. 


As in, limits.  None.  That's what is so wonderful about paranormal/fantasy romance! You can be whoever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want.  Experience things that are out of this world.  To my fellow writers- you rock!  Happy A to Z!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

V and W are for ...

I got a little behind this week, so this is my catch-up post for V and W.  Check out the April A to Z Blogging Challenge. My theme is the benefits of having a non human lover (NH for short).


Many NH (such as elves, deities, and your NH of celtic descent for example) have a very strong sense of valor.  


NH are often childlike and can bring a sense of innocent wonder to your life.

Hmm... two fire pics today.  Wonder if this is an omen ;)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Free e-book, Earth and Sky!

Good morning.  Earth and Sky is free today (Saturday only)!  Check it out here
    Wren has trained for war since she was a child, but a secret bond with the enemy leads her to question everything she's ever known. 
    Cast out by her family as a traitor, the fiery, alchemy wielding shape-shifter finds refuge in the arms of Ville, the raven-winged leader of the enemy clan. The two star-crossed lovers discover that the world they know is built on lies meant to fuel the war that has raged between the two clans for years. 
    Wren and Ville’s relationship transcends the racism and stereotypes around them, as they seek to discover the real cause of the fighting. Armed with alchemy, attitude, and a six-shooter, Wren sets out on a journey of love, loss, and redemption that will change the world.
EARTH AND SKY is a romantic fantasy set in a steampunk world of alchemist shifters and vampiric fallen angels. It has crossover potential, with appeal to mature young adult and adult audiences and is a perfect blend of romance, fantasy, and paranormal.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U is for Unusual

Here's the next installment of the April A to Z Challenge.  My theme is the benefits of having a non human lover (NH for short).


With a NH, you may have many ups and downs.  You'll have terrifying and exhilarating experiences.  But one thing is for sure:  you'll never get bored!
"Oh, nothing, just hanging out..."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

T is for Tempestuous

Hey, I spelled that right on the first try! Welcome to the A to Z Challenge.   Since I read and write paranormal romance, etc., my theme is centered around the benefits of having a non-human lover (NH for short).


Who doesn't want a significant other who is bold, impetuous, spontaneous, and wild.  And if you are afraid of the conflict that might arise with such a stormy partner, well, just think of the make-up phase that would follow ;)
Ah yes, the famous magic self-sticking metal bra.  Stays put even when the side strap isn't actually connected to it.  I need one of these. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

S is for Sensual

S day in the A to Z Challenge!  I think S is my favorite letter for this topic (other than the letter L of, course).    I can think of so many fun (and naughty ;) S words/reasons for taking a non human lover!  But I'll just stick with one today.


Non humans tend to be very in tune with their senses- sight, sound, touch, taste, and all of the "other" senses your varied creatures possess.  This can lead to some very tender moments.  
I love the rain in this picture!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

R is for (new) Release, Moonlight Calls

Edit: I first released this book as a serial.  It is now available as a full book.

My April A to Z Challenge post for today is going to deviate from my theme.  Today's word is Release! My new book Moonlight Calls, Part 1 is available now at Amazon. It is part of a saga of three books in my Demon's call saga, and each book will be published as a serial. The first book has four parts, each about 30,000 words.
The most powerful creatures of the supernatural community are inexplicably drawn to Mya, but she refuses to acknowledge the power growing inside her- not the least of which is the ability to make the undead explode on contact.  She struggles to stay under the radar and out of the hands of monsters that would use her for their own gain.  However, when Mya is forced to embrace the heady, soul stealing darkness that lies within her in order to save the life of a missing child, it may leave her irrevocably changed.  Moonlight Calls contains elements of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and erotica.  

This book contains some violent action scenes, graphic sex, and mature language.  ;)

Don't have a Kindle? No problem.  Amazon has free Kindle apps for just about any device here.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Q is for Quirky

Welcome to the April A to Z Challenge.  Continuing with the theme of all the benefits of having a non human lover (NH for short).


Just remember when you find your goldfish in your bathtub, or your NH refuses to eat anything but fish- this is the kind of world they are used to:
...and just sit back and enjoy the show.  NH are always good for a laugh :)

P is for Princely

Welcome to the April A to Z Challenge. I missed a day, so I'm catching up with two posts today :) Carrying on with my theme of benefits of dating a non human (NH):


(Or Princessly, I suppose).  Most NH just have this air about them, something other.  They usually carry themselves with pride and grace.

This little boy prince will grow up to be quite the looker, I'm sure.  (No ickiness intended, I just really liked this artwork, courtesy of deviantart!)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O is for Omniscient

Today is O day at the April A to Z Challenge.  My theme, of course, is to share the benefits of a non human lover (NH for short).


"The ability to to know everything there is to be known."

Some NH have this ability, and like Empathic abilities (mentioned in the E post) this can be a double edged sword.  I mean, it would be overwhelming to date an immortal who knew everything.  But then again, you'd always be safe, and said immortal might just be so enamored of you that they use their abilities to keep you perpetually happy.  In every way.  Just sayin'  ;)

Is he sitting on one of those rocks? Cause....ouch.....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

N is for Naughty and...

Welcome to N on the April A to Z Challenge.  More on benefits of taking a non human lover (NH for short).


Honestly, is there anyone out there who doesn't like little dark streak?  N is also for: nocturnal, nightfall, naked, noble, natural, neck, nefarious, necromancer, negotiation, nymph... put those all together and let your imagination take you where it will.  (Disclaimer: the author of this blog is not responsible for your twisted imagination.  Imagine at your own risk.)

I imagine he has horns. I giggle like a twit.  My husband quietly calls a psychologist...

Monday, April 15, 2013

M is for Medieval

In my A to Z Challenge post today, more reasons to take a non-human lover (NH for short)!


...because dark is sexy.  Need more M words?  Macho, macabre, maddening, mindfield, mighty, maces, militant, misbehaving...I'm sensing a theme here.

And because the heterosexual guys who visit the blog are probably getting sick of pics of pretty men....
Me: Ork!!!  Them: Uh...what now? ;)

Doesn't it seem like some chestplate would be a good idea?  Just sayin'...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is For Lover...

Welcome to the April A to Z Challenge.  I think L is my favorite letter so far to describe some benefits of taking a non human lover (NH for short). I'm not going to comment on specifics today.  I think you can use your own fertile imagination with these wonderful L words *wink*.  Have I mentioned I love paranormal and fantasy romance?

Lavascious, Lustful, Loving, Life-span, Lush, Large, Labido, Lover, Lovemaking, Length, Loyalty...

More Hei Se Jin Yao prettiness. 


Don't forget, SURVIVOR is free today and tomorrow!

Friday, April 12, 2013

A to Z Challenge, Free Stuff, and Link Love

I have a couple of exciting things to share, but first, my A-Z Challenge post for the day.

More reasons to take a non human lover (NH for short).  NH are often Kind, they have Keen senses, and a Knack for learning new things *wink*.  On top of that they are great Kissers, and can be quite Kinky.  I could keep going, but I think you get the point ;)

Wow, blond isn't usually my thing... but I'll make an exception ;)

My novel, SURVIVOR will be free on Saturday and Sunday here.  
You can get free kindle reading apps for just about any device here.

My wonderful friend, amazing writer, and all around good sport when I'm off my rocker, David Crampton, was kind enough to give me a little limelight on his blog.  Check him out in all his Writery Goodness.  His work is available at amazon here, and you can check out more of the workings of his (pleasantly cracked) mind at deviant art here. You rock Dave :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

J is for Jolly and Joyful

Welcome to the April A to Z Challenge.  More on the benefits of having a non-human lover (NH for short).

Joyful and Jolly

Though I tend to prefer a darker sort myself, some of your NH can actually be quite happy go lucky.  So, if you prefer more sparkle, I suggest a creature of a playful sort: fairies, pixies, sprites, and occasionally angels.  Angels have the joyful part, but often lack a sense of humor.  Sigh.  All work and no play.

I don't know what the heck is going on here...I think someone got into uncle Oberon's jollyweed....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I is for Innocent

Welcome to the April A to Z Challenge.  More on the benefits of having a non-human lover (NH for short).


Okay, so the NH I've described so far do not exactly evoke innocence.  But some do.  There is something beautiful about the particular innocence possessed by those who don't live among humans.  They are innocent of things such as materialistic greed and the need to spend our lives working, war, needless violence, etc.  Take the fairies and their kin, for example.   They know nothing but basic needs, and the love of nature and growing things.  Maybe we should take note.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is for Hilarious

Welcome to the April A to Z Challenge. My theme? The benefits of a non-human (NH) lover.


Would it be too obvious if I just typed hot?  Yes?


Most of the notable traits revolve around the innate otherworldly hotness of the NH in your life.  But one of the top qualities that people always list among desirable traits is humor.  Okay, so NH aren't typically prone to the kind of silly humor we're used to.  But still, they can be pretty amusing.  First off, you have your mischievous types.  You know, the sprites and dark elves that live for nothing more than to play tricks on poor unsuspecting humans.  That sock you've been attempting to find for at least the last twenty minutes? Why, right there on top of the refrigerator, of course.
And then you have the humor you can get simply from watching the NH attempt to navigate your human world.  Depending on how much time they've spent in the human world, they may be like a person visiting an alien planet.  So, sit back and enjoy the view while your NH attempts to navigate tricky things like TV, microwaves, toilets, toasters, smart phones, and public transportation.  Cheap thrills.  I promise.

Me: "What happened to my food processor?!"
Hot NH roommate, with an all too innocent look:  "I purchased this new cutlery for you."

Monday, April 8, 2013

G is For Glorious, Gifted, and Germanic

Happy G day from the A-Z Challenge.  More reasons to take a non-human lover (NH for short).

Gibber-jabber- They aren't big on it.  Most NH are direct and to the point.  (wink)
Glorious- I think that one's obvious.
Gifted- NH have a vast array of supernatural abilities.
Gusto- oh boy
Germanic-.....wait, what? Yes, Germanic.  These NH tend to be some of the kinkiest things alive.  Heard of the krampus, have you? Look at the tongue on that thing! Though I admit my view of that creature may be slightly colored by an episode of The Venture Brothers....but I digress.

During the blogging challenge, I've stumbled upon the artwork of Hei Se Jin Yao.  Love. Love. LOVE.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

E-book Survivor Published Today!

           Five years ago, a car accident left Melody with a traumatic brain injury.  For years, the wheelchair-bound, cognitively impaired woman has struggled to accept her new life and to let go of the dreams she once had.  During a chance encounter on the subway, Melody meets the handsome and eccentric Peter and assists him to escape a group of men who are pursuing him.  Melody falls in love with Peter, however their relationship is doomed by the insurmountable obstacle of her disability- and his immortality.    
            Death is only the beginning for Melody- and vampire blood is no quick fix.  Peter’s powers can heal physical wounds, but cannot touch the recesses of her damaged mind.  The brain injured immortal finds herself struggling for her sanity, as she fights to once again accept her role as a survivor, and her weaknesses as strengths.  As their relationship grows, Peter shows Melody that even if your life isn’t what you would consider “normal,” you must do something meaningful with the time you’ve been given. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for Frightening, Fantastic, and Fiery

Check out the A-Z Challenge!

Need more reasons to love a Fey? (or a Vampire, or a Werewolf, Mythical beast, Angel, Demon...)

F is for ....

Frightening.  In a good way.  Sometimes a girl likes to be a little scared... (it occurs to me to wonder if this applies to guys too...??)
Fantastic.  In every sense of the word ;)
Fiery. In every aspect  of your relationship.  (Not so good during arguments... but hey, makes for great kiss and make-up moments;)

I couldn't track down a source for this pic (google image search), but I LOVE the art.  Can anyone read the characters? 

Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for Empathic

Welcome to day five of the April A-Z Challenge.  Continuing my theme, here is one more reason why NH (non-human) significant others rock!


Most NHs have some degree of empathic abilities, ranging from the ability to sense emotion, to down right mind reading.  Now, I admit, in all reality, it would suck if your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife could read your mind 24/7.  But there are some occasions when it really comes in handy.  I'm sure you get my gist;)

Hmmm...wonder what she's thinking....

I've enjoyed all the new blogs I've visited during the challenge thus far.  Happy blogging!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Free E-book!

Check out my novel, KELPIE, for free Friday the 5th, and Saturday the 6th! 

              When Ada wakes with a strange man in her sleeping bag, she has no idea that the dazed, dirty, and naked man is actually a Kelpie- a horse-like creature with an affinity for water.  He insists that he is a fey, and that others of his kind are hunting him.  Driven by an instinctive, primal fear of the unseen things moving in the forest, Ada flees the camping expedition.  However, she can’t bring herself to leave the defenseless and obviously confused man to wander the woods alone.  Believing him to be homeless, she plans to take him to the shelter the minute she gets back to town, but she can never quite bring herself to ditch him. 
            Ada resists her attraction to the beautiful, delusional man, until an unusual gift leaves her with the ability to see through fairy glamour.  Now she is forced to choose sides in the secret war between the humans and the ruthless fey-a battle in which she risks losing everything she holds dear, including the man-or beast- of her dreams.

Don't have a Kindle? Check out the free reading apps!

D is for Devilish, and IWSG

Another bonus to dating a NH (non-human).


Devilish grin
Devilishly handsome
Devilishly clever
Devilish lover...
'nuf said ;)

Part II:

I missed the insecure writers support group post yesterday (oops!).  I'm not sure how many people actually posted yesterday, since many are also doing the A-Z challenge. But I thought I'd make an attempt (a day late).  

My latest insecurity: 
I've taken the plunge into self publishing.  I'm so excited, because I can share my work on a large scale with (relative) ease. On the other hand, I'm terrified, scared that my success thus far (and again, this is relative, but I'm really happy with how things have progress in the last two weeks) is just a fluke and all interest will dry up.  But then, I guess that's a possibility no matter what your publishing situation.  Your book could go to print with a big publishing company and not sell, then go out of print.  An agent or publisher may show interest initially, then reject your manuscript in the end.  I suppose these risks are no different.  *Shrugs* 
In the end, if one complete stranger reads my work and loves it, not based on any obligation to me, but purely on the merits of the book alone, then my mission is accomplished.  Right? 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

C is for Charismatic

Day three of the April A to Z Challenge! Now, more benefits of having a NH (non-human) lover.


Your NH lover is bound to be very charismatic.  Don't be surprised if you find that you're hanging on his every word, basking in his good-natured smile, bathing in the warm glow of his aura.  Go with it.  It's like your own personal relaxation retreat.  And if you notice that others are enjoying your NH's charisma as well, try not to get jealous.  This trait can really come in handy if you are ever in a pinch.  Since everyone around him is drawn in, your NH can talk his way out of anything.  Just don't get any grand ideas of trying to use that charisma to change the world.  NHs are notoriously self-centered. They don't have the attention span for things like politics or world domination, for example.  Sorry :(

This NH requires a great deal of personal charisma in order to entice anyone to challenge that belt!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B is for Brazen

Day two of the A to Z challenge, and I'm ready to finally settle on a theme :)  I want to share with you a topic  that I am very passionate about.  In the interest of furthering positive relations between supernatural races and humans, I've decided to educate the general public.  And so, I bring you.... drumroll.... The Benefits of Dating a Non-human (or NH, as they prefer to be called.)  Since yesterday's post was dedicated to Arlee, we'll begin this discussion with the letter B.  (Suggestive themes below.)


In case you aren't already aware, let me tell you, your supernatural significant other- weather fey, or vampire, or fallen angel- is bound to be more brazen than any human you've ever dated.  Be forewarned.  This is something you want to be aware of before the 'ol BFF pops into your family dinner in his birthday suit.  And don't even think about buying your nymph one of those hot little bras from Victoria secret- she just won't understand.  To non-humans, uh NH, that sort of thing is just wrong.  They are the epitome of "love your body,"  and "whatever makes you happy."

Also be prepared for unapologetic displays of affection.  I know this girl once, who was just minding her own business, out for a stroll in the park with her NH.  Next thing you know, she's being fined for public indecency....

Ooh, la-la! Brazen Burlesque Fairies, 1883 style!

Monday, April 1, 2013

A is for Arlee Bird, Founder of the A to Z Challenge

Today kicks off the annual A to Z April Challenge, in which ambitious bloggers post something every day of the month, corresponding with that day's letter (with Sundays off for good behavior).

This year we are honoring Arlee Bird, founder of the challenge, for his hard work and general awesomeness.  Arelee, thank you for bringing us this challenge, and bringing so many people together each year.  This is only my second year participating, but I had a blast last year!

I haven't fully decided on my theme this year.  I guess we'll find out when I do tomorrow's "B" post.
To anyone who's new to the challenge, welcome!  I look forward to meeting lots of new people, and seeing what kind of themes you all come up with!

Read more about the challenge and see the sign-up list here.